How Fatphobia Shaped Early Motion Control in Video Games
Rise up gamers! Off the couch! Into the streets! Be healthy and happy instead of sad.
Rise up gamers! Off the couch! Into the streets! Be healthy and happy instead of sad.
You can laugh at the edgy title, but I mean it. How is everyone dealing with all this isolation? I finally feel less alone for once. This entire situation is absolutely dreadful considering most of my support comes from individual donations from friends.
In the show The Good Place there is a character named Janet who serves this show’s equivalent of Alexa or Siri. Except more like a Post-gender Wolfram|Alpha who event gets that reference?
How I’ve spent the last year recovering from public shaming.
Qabbalistic correspondences applied to Final Fantasy XIV character creator.
A very exciting treatise on aromantic dating. please click
An essay about step two of Alcoholics Anonymous from an occultists perspective.
A Southern take on the classic Neo Kobe Pizza recipe from Hideo Kojima’s Snatcher.
Rise up gamers! Off the couch! Into the streets! Be healthy and happy instead of sad.
Gender isn’t how you dress. It isn’t your chromosomes. It’s how you identify in your brain, but most people assume it’s a neurotypical brain. A brain free from PTSD, ADHD, personality disorders, developmental disorders, and all those things that can be boiled down to “my brain is wired different and I perceive the world in…